tv – Andrew the Hopeless Techie

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WARNING: the below contains spoilers for the FX series Legion if you have not watched it be warned plot points will be talked about below a few paragraphs into the article.

I have to admit most new tv these days is becoming less and less interesting as it becomes more watered down for the P.C (Politically Correct) crowd. Increasingly it follows a more cookie-cutter approach to the plot that is often predictable and in the end boring.

Even with this approach some shows still grab my interest, Arrow, Flash, Super-girl just to name a few. Also, I do enjoy a few non-traditional shows ones I call mold-breakers like Doctor Who for example. Another example of a mold-breaking show and the one this article is about is called Legion on FX here in the states (not sure the partner channels in other countries).

From the beginning, this show has intrigued me and at times confused me with its very non-linear perspective and narrative. While the show has just wrapped season 2 and one would assume has begun planning/shooting season 3, it still has an amazing story that keeps you interested from day one and always leaves you wanting to know just what is going. When it finally reveals what is happening, it only leaves you with more questions.

Season 2 was the embodiment of this with its constant time jump showing future Sid contradicting what past Sid was doing/saying. This coupled with the increasingly confusing relationship of Amahl Farouk (A.K.A the shadow king) to David, at times it’s a fatherly feeling relationship at other times its a nemesis feeling relationship.

The season focused on two points early on, where David had Disappeared to at the end of Season 1 and his true motives for wanting to find Farouk’s Body. Consistently they show future Sid throughout the first part of the season warning David that regardless of what her past self-states Amahl needs to be revived in an effort to help solve some crisis in the future, purposely being vague with David it creates a sense of mystery about her true motives.

Slowly, you begin to question just weather David is a good guy (spoiler alert if you read the comics he does go evil for a bit), David himself has no doubts about his intentions and very much views himself as the victim. If you have watched season 1 you as the viewer might start sympathizing with David, this is by design and part of the genius about how this series is written.

When writing a multi-dimensional character like David that also happens to have multiple personalities, its I imagine would be most difficult to show which person is the core or true personality. For Season 1 we see him struggle with Farouk trying to control him and later we see him struggling with his fractured mind trying to retain control of himself. With a being as powerful as David, violate his trust or betray him and it is possible for him to become a serious threat. This is what brings me to the meat of this article his ultimate arc through the season and the place he was left at the end.

Leading up to the Finale we witness his friends start to question his true motives and become guarded, Eventually leading to their betrayal of his trust which as mentioned above is not the best option regarding a being this powerful. To be fair David does some questionable and very bad things in the last episode, however, the fallout of that to me seems a bit out of place.

After his battle with Farouk he is threatened by Sid who then tries to kill him, he then tries to erase her memory and proceeds to rape her. Again, this is a horrible act by David and should be dealt with, what does not make sense is that in the next few scenes, David is put on trial by Sid and the entire Division 3 crew. Sid, the person who just hours ago tried to kill David is not trying to reason with him claiming his act of rape and future acts he has not yet committed justify their actions. The rape I get he should be punished for that but judging him on future crimes is a bit extreme, couple that with the fact that the entire season was about finding and destroying Farouk’s Body, they are now allies against David.

Somehow, the entire body of people who he thought his friends are not judging him on events he has not yet committed all the while ignoring that one of them tried to kill him just hours ago. Eventually, try to explain his actions and tells them he is a good person. They apparently feel pity for him but do not believe him so they suggest the one thing that they feel would help Medication and treatment, basically putting him back in the asylum.

This angers him and he makes one final plea to them to reconsider, thinking they have the upper hand they refuse. He then succumbs to the inner demons (his alternate more violent personality), Tells them they had their chance and begins to shake the building to break the barrier holding him. He is successful in his escape and leaves his former friends with the knowledge knowing they basically created the version of David they feared from the videos they received from the future.

Here is where I think the writing is brilliant, in trying to prevent David from becoming what they fear he will become they end up making him that version of himself. What I mean by this is by removing his support system (whether they realize it or not) and making it appear his friends had turned on him especially Sid who he loved, they ended up paying the way for his darker half to take control and begin his reign of torment which undoubtedly will be the premise of season 3. Whether Division 3 realizes this at first is not clear but from my perspective, everything they did to him coupled with what Farouk did to him has to lead him to this. It also was not helpful to have the one person he hates most in the world, the one who in essence killed his sister being there trying to justify their actions against him.

So, while the events may not have played out the exact same way they did in Future Sid’s timeline, he ultimately ended up in the same place. Also, the entire reason she started to suspect him was the way he was acting which they viewed as different, this was a direct result of Future Sid kidnapping him and making him swear not to reveal where he was. If you watch Doctor Who you undoubtedly know the term bootstrap paradox, this is very reminiscent of that by trying to warn past David what Future David would become she set in motion the events that would make David become what she feared in the future.

This leaves me with the question, if Future Sid had not interfered in the past would David still become the monster he is portrayed as in the future? It’s unclear whether this is the case, or even if the thought occurred to current day Sid and company after David disappeared.

I could go on and on but this again is why I love this show it makes you think and keeps you guessing it breaks the mold most shows use nowadays and I love it. What did you guys think of the finale or Legion, in general, is it as intriguing to you guys as it was to me?

Out of the ashes, comes great television

With the large amount of TV shows that were canceled last season, is incredibly surprising to me how many decent shows have cropped up this season.

The issue I find now is more trying to figure out which of these TV shows actually want to watch. There’s just so many and I don’t watch TV all the time.

So far out of the new shows the ones I found to be the most entertaining our: the voice, falling skies. While there are certainly more than two shows that have recently begun, these two to me at least stick out as the most memorable of the new shows.

There are still plenty of returning shows they continue to watch such as: swap loggers, dual survival, American chopper, deadliest catch, how it’s made, Conan, and sons of guns to name just a few.

I know which might be thinking how I find time to watch all this television, the answer is I don’t really. I set my DVR up to record each one of the series and then I watched them when I get time. The only shows him he could point to watch live are the voice, falling skies, dual survival and American chopper. Those are by far my favorite of the ones listed above; even so I still miss some of these occasionally. Thank God for the invention of the DVR!

In addition, I found a series that started over in the UK and was recently ported United States; however, the series is fairly old. I am of course talking about Merlin; this show to me is absolutely fantastic. It incorporates all the elements that I enjoy science fiction, fantasy and good acting. Of course, I’m catching up using my Netflix subscription to watch the first two seasons, honestly, I am not even sure if it made it past two seasons.

There is of course when show that neglected to mention, this is because am not sure if the show is going to be returning or not. The show I am referring to of course is called Being Human; this is another show that originated in the UK. However, instead of porting the original UK version over they decide to recast with American actors. I never watched the original so I can’t say which one is better or worse.

What shows do you watch the season? Have you seen any of the shows that I mentioned? If so, which one of these shows do you like?

Let me know in the comments below.

The TV apocalypse!

As I’m sure most of you are undoubtedly aware, this month in particular has been an incredibly bad week for television. I can count roughly 5 to 10 popular TV shows that were canceled and that’s just off the top of my head.

My question to my readers is this: What is happening with TV shows lately?

The figures have been able to pull up show that in the 2010-2011 season 82 shows were either ending or canceled. Some of these shows, showed actual potential, such as Breaking In, The Cape, Entourage, Human Target, No Ordinary Family, and V. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there were a lot of other good shows that were not renewed, due to the show ending.

It seems with the growing capabilities of companies like Netflix, and YouTube now offering movies, traditional television seems to be slipping by. I can’t turn the TV on anymore without finding out that one of the shows I planned on watching or had been watching was canceled. It’s not so much the show being canceled that really bugs me though, it’s when the show doesn’t have time to end the series properly. An example of this would be the Cape, the show ended with an online only episode that was absolutely by far the worst example of a series finale I have ever seen. Using the same logic, of course shows such as No Ordinary Family, saw the writing on the wall, so to speak, and so they made the last episode that aired sort of close a lot of the potholes. I strongly believe they did this because they had a strong feeling the show was going to be canceled and they wanted in to end in a way that had a sense of closure, but also had the hint that if the series got renewed. They would be able to continue on from that point If the show had been renewed.

Sadly, it appears the situation is only getting worse, people just don’t watch TV like they used to. I predict that as time goes on, the situation will only get worse, will we start seeing less and less TV channels? Will we start seeing more and more TV networks taking their shows online only?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to these questions, it is likely, however, that networks are going to start embracing the Internet more as a delivery medium and who knows one day maybe we’ll be able to look back and tell our children," Yes, I was alive when TV existed, before you to, when the Internet was just starting out!"

So what do you, my readers think about this, do you feel like the traditional television format is an endangered species? Do you think that at some point in the near future, TV shows will be distributed online instead of the television?

Leave your comments below



Droid X and Possible New Job Prospect

Job Prospect

Those of you that know me personally or even on a chatting basis, know that I have had one heck of a year with all that has been going on. One among many other things in my life that are less then fortunate, is that I am currently unemployed.

Enter, I updated my resume on Monster and did the normal daily grind of late which is find 4-8 jobs and apply for them. Out of the blue one day I get a call from a company looking for someone to represent Sharp Electronics for their Marketing company basically helping educate customers on Sharp HD technology, I passed the initial pre-screen and anxiously awaited the interview.

The following Monday I got a call from who would become my manager should I get the job, The interview seemed to go really well and I am confident that the Interviewer got a similar feel for my experience. Now I should mention I have had experience in this type of job before, I sold Cell Phones for the 3 major carriers (not going to list them here you know who they are) wit a company called Mosaic Sales Solutions, This job i interviewed for was very similar to the cell phone one minus cell phones add HD tvs.

At any rate the interview was last Monday and I followed up on Thursday with a phone call re-emphasising how interested I was in the job and what it entailed. Now comes the waiting game, I should know by the end of this week (hopefully) if i got the job or not.

This job should I land it will require me to get rid of my pre-paid phone and get a regular posting plan phone which will be needed to keep in touch with my boss since I am completely solo on this job should i get it.

This brings me to the Droid X part of the post.

Droid X

Given that I would need a regular Phone and not a pre-paid phone, I began to look into which phone I would get and the more I looked the more it occured to me that if I had a smartphone I could be far more productive in several areas with relation to this job. For one customer questions I could not answer could be easily answered using the phone to do a quick internet search and pull up the information. Second I could use this phone to track my sales and log required information for the daily report at the end of the night.

So knowing I would need a Smartphone I began to narrow down which phone I wanted, would work for what I wanted. I tending to prefer anything other then Windows mobile was left with Palm WebOS phones or Android Powered phones. Having done a little research i found Palm was recently acquired by HP and while i have no beefs with Hewlett Packard, I felt with the buyout things might be a little late to be updated/fixed. Android was my choice of OS, then I began narrowing down Verizon Android powered phones as a means to get the phone I really wanted. Talking to several people and researching bit I found that the upcoming Droid X to be my phone of choice. It was not till after I chose this that I realized just how cool this would be, I could download apps from the Android Market to allow me to use this phone for non-work stuff as well.

True with the above things I researched which apps I would install off the bat as soon as I had network access, Some that came to mind were Seesmic, Bank of America for Android, WordPress, shopsavvy and Blizzards Authenticator app. I am sure I will install many more but for starters these are apps i would consider must haves.

Also Android is obviously powered by Linux which to me is one the best things out there. I use Windows for some things i can not get to work under WINE but for the most part Linux is my OS of choice so a phone powered by Linux just seems to be a logical choice.

All that being said, I will most likely not get a phone should I not get this job (at least not at first) since another monthly bill with no job is not the smartest of moves.

If you know a good (useful, or fun) app for android post it in a comment.